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作者:管理员 发布时间:2014-04-11 点击次数:744


The use of air-conditioning, the most important is to maintain the necessary ventilation, in the process of using a day, shut down several times, the ventilation window. Attention should be paid to keep the indoor oxygen concentration, there is no ventilation time standard for sure, but suggest every shutdown ventilation 15-30 minutes. Do clean at the same time the summer before reuse, maintain the environmental sanitation and personal hygiene is also very important.


Many consumers use air conditioning is not correct, air conditioning use for many years, even don't know how removing filter, cleaning, disinfection personnel blind please. Cleaning on the air conditioning to maintain long-term, cleaning time can not solve the problem. To take air way make indoor machine to keep dry state disabled. When installing the water outlet pipe should be smooth, avoid seeper, the breeding of bacteria.


When used in addition to maintain ventilation, air conditioning must be cleaned before opening, mainly cleaning filter net. Ordinary families keep cleaned once a month. The cooler days to stop using, but also to clean air conditioning. The use of air-conditioning temperature should not be too low, in general 2426 degrees, low temperature also easily lead to respiratory and other diseases.


We set the room temperature and outdoor temperature, not too big difference, such as outdoor temperature of 30 ℃, 25 indoor setting can be. If you are not cool, can be set by a few degrees temperature, so air conditioning high-frequency operation time is short, energy saving. Needs to be pointed out is, someone to save, will often air conditioning off, in fact, air conditioning to frequent switching the power consumption, but also easy to loss of compressor.